၁၉၂၄ ခုနှစ်၊ ဒီဇင်ဘာ (၂၂) ရက်နေ့တွင် စတင်တည်ထောင်သည်။
Dr. Swe Swe Mar
Department of Soil and Water Sciences
(1) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI. 2012. The
influence of phosphate fertilizer application levels and cultivars on cadmium
uptake by Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) Soil Science and Plant
Nutrition Journal, (58) 492-502.
(2) Swe Swe Mar a, *, Masanori OKAZAKI. 2012. Investigation of Cd contents in several
phosphate rocks used for the production of fertilizer. Microchemical Journal,
(104) 17-21.
(3) Hlaing Hlaing Htay, Nyo Mar Htwe, Nang Hseng Hom and Swe Swe Mar. 2015.
Morphological characterization of selected rice (Oryza sativa L.) Germplasms.
Journal of Agricultural Research, 2, (2), 42-49
(4) Swe Swe Min, Kyaw Ngwe, Swe Swe Mar, Kyi Winn. 2015. Effects of straight and
compound fertilizers on the growth and yield of rice. Journal of Agricultural
Research, 2, (2), 63-69
(5) Khin Pyone Nwe, Kyaw Ngwe, Swe Swe Mar, Myint Thuzar. 2015. Potassium
fertilizer management on rice cultivation. Journal of Agricultural Research, 2,
(2), 70-77
(6) Cho Mar Htwe, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Ngwe, Kyaw Kyaw Win, 2015. Evaluation of
soil nutrient supply capacity for rice (oryza sativa. L) Production by site specific
nutrient management. Journal of Agricultural Research, 2, (1), 33-40.
(7) July Soe, Hnin Yu Lwin, Nang Ei Mon The, Swe Swe Mar, 2016. Fertilizer supply
chain and market structure: A case study in Tatkon Township, Naypyitaw.
Journal of Agricultural Research, 3, (1), 90-97.
(8) Than Htaik Thu, Mie Mie Aung, Nyo Mar Htwe, Swe Swe Mar, 2016. Inventory and
diversity of neglected and underutilized plant species in Magway District.
Journal of Agricultural Research, 3, (2), 43-50.
(9) Phyoe Phyoe Win, Kyi Toe, Mie Mie Aung, and Swe Swe Mar, 2016. Evaluation of
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties under researchers and farmers
management practices in Magway Area. Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.
3, (2) 1-6
(10) Lay Nge, Swe Swe Mar, Aye Aye Than, Nyo Mar Htwe, Kyaw Ngwe, 2017.
Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium fertilitzation on rice yield in Maubin
Township. Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 4, (1) 39-46
(11) Kyi Min Htun, Swe Swe Mar, Soe Soe Thein, Kyi Toe, Kyaw Ngwe, 2017. Effects
of different rates of potassium fertilizer on rice productivity with or without rice
husk ask in Minbya soil Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 4, (1) 30-38
(12) Cho Mar Htwe, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Ngwe, Kyaw Kyaw Win, 2017. Assessment
of soil indigenous nutrient supply as a natural resource management in rice
production towards climate resilience agriculture Journal of Agricultural
(13) Soe Soe Thein, Zoong Te Mang, Seint San Aye and Swe Swe Mar, 2017 Farmers’
Assessment on Rice Crop Response to Urea Fertilizer at Harvest of Dry Season,
in Central Myanmar, Journal of Agricultural Research, 2019, 6-2, 16-22.
(14) Khin Mu, Swe Swe Mar, Aung Naing Oo, Thanda Min, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018.
Farmers’ Perception of Fertilizer Management Practices for Cotton Production in
Magway Region of Myanmar An International Journal of Environmental and
Rural Development ISSN 2422-3700 (Online) ISSN 2185-159X (Print) {JERD
Volume 9 Number 2 December 2018, 82-87
(15) San San Myint, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018. Evaluation of
Soil Nutrient Level in Nay PyiTaw Agricultural Land An International Journal
of Environmental and Rural Development ISSN 2422-3700 (Online) ISSN 2185-
159X (Print) {JERD Volume 9 Number 2 December 2018, 108-113.
(16) Jun Furuya, Swe Swe Mar, Takeshi Sakurai, and Akira Hirano, 2019. Optimum
Insurance Money of an Index Insurance of Flood Disasters for Rice Farmers in
the Coastal region in Myanmar: PWE special issue
(17) Khin Nyein Chan 1 , Soe Win 2 , Swe Swe Mar 2 , Nyo Mar Htwe 4 , Nang Hseng Hom 5 ,
Aung Moe Myo Tint 6 , Thant Lwin Oo 7 2020. Evaluation of Drought Tolerant
Inbred Lines in Maize (Zea mays. L.) by Using Stress Tolerance Indices
Department of Agricultural Research Journal
(18) Swe Swe Mar, Naing Naing Moe, Kyaw Ngwe, KAZUO ANDO, 2020. Study of
Farmers’ use of Fertilizers and Methods of Application for Rice Cultivation in
Central Myanmar. The 11th Internationnal Conference on Environmental and
Rural Development and 2nd Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural
Intensification and Nutrition (11th ICERD & 2nd SAIN Conference) IJERD –
International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (2020) 11-1,
(19) Swe Swe Mar, Naing Naing Moe, Kyaw Ngwe, 2020. Study on Relationship
among Soil Properties in Agricultural Fields of Kyee Inn Village The 11th
Internationnal Conference on Environmental and Rural Development and 2nd
Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural Intensification and Nutrition (11th
ICERD & 2nd SAIN Conference) IJERD – International Journal of
Environmental and Rural Development 11-1, 127-132.
(20) Hla Moe Khaing, Swe Swe Mar, Htay Htay Oo, Kyaw Ngwe, 2021 Assessment of
fertilizers usage and cropping patterns in study area of Naypyitaw, Myanmar.
African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol.17(1), pp. 156-164, January 2021
(21) Toru Sakai 1 , Keisuke Omori 1 , Aung Naing Oo 2 and Swe Swe Mar 2 and Yan Naung
Zaw 3 ,2021 Decadal changes in agricultural area and impact of climate change in
the Ayeyarwady Delta. Paddy and Water Environment 19, 295-306
(22) Aizaki Hideo, Furuya Jun, Sakurai Takeshi, and Swe Swe Mar, 2021. Measuring
farmers’ preferences for weather index insurance in the Ayeyarwady Delta,
Myanmar: A discrete choice experiment approach Paddy and Water
Environment 19, 307-317
(23) Jun Furuya, Akira Hirano, Swe Swe Mar, Takeshi Sakurai, 2021 Optimum
Insurance Contract of Flood Damage Index Insurance for Rice Farmers in
Myanmar, Paddy and Water Environment 19, 319-330
(24) Naing Naing Moe, Swe Swe Mar, Aung Kyaw Myint, Kyi Toe and Kyaw Ngwe,
2021, Spatial Variability of Soil Fertility Distribution in Kyee Inn Village tract,
Pyinmana Township, Nay Pyi Taw Journal of Agricultural Research 7-2, 28-3
(25) Mya Mya Swe1*, Swe Swe Mar1, Tin Tun Naing2, Thu Zar3, Kyaw Ngwe1 2021.
Effect of Silicon Application on Growth, Yield and Uptake of Rice (Oryza sativa
L.) in Two Different Soils. Open Access Library Journal, 8: e7937.
(26) Thu Zar Win, Kyaw Ngwe, Swe Swe Mar, Aye Aye Khaing, 2021. Yield and
Quality of Rainfed Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Response to Nitrogen
Rates under Different Plant Available Water Capacity Sites in Central Dry Zone
of Myanmar Open Access Library Journal, 8 (9) September 2021
( https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107891 )
(27) Hla Win Htay, Swe Swe Mar, Htay Htay Oo, and Kyaw Ngwe, 2022. Spatial
variability of Soil Chemical Properties in Yezin Agricultural University Farm
Journal of Agricultural Research
(28) Wut Yee Aung, Swe Swe Mar, Htay Htay Oo, Yinn Mar Soe, and Kyaw Ngwe,
2022. GIS-GPS Based Soil fertility maps in Yezin Agricultrual University Farm,
Zeyarthiri Township Journal of Agricultural Research
(29) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Tetsuo KATO. 2007. Influence of phosphorus
fertilizer application on the concentration of cadmium in cultivated Andisoils. The
8 th International Symposium for Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan.136-
(30) Swe Swe Mar, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI, Masanori OKAZAKI. 2008. Effects of
different rates and kinds of phosphorus fertilizers on cadmium concentration in
Komatsuna and soil. The 9 th International Symposium for Environmental Issues in
Korea and Japan. 26 - 32.
(31) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI, 2009. Effects of
phosphorus fertilizers on the availability and uptake of cadmium by Komatsuna
(Brassica rapa var. pervidis). The 10 th International Symposium for
Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan. 55 – 60.
(32) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI, 2010. Effects of
different kinds of phosphate fertilizers on uptake of cadmium by Komatsuna
(Brassica rapa var. pervidis). The 11 th International Symposium for
Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan. 164 – 171.
(33) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASH, 2009. Effects of
different rates and kinds of phosphorus fertilizer on cadmium concentration in
different varieties of Komatsuna and different types of soil. Japanese Society of
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Vol 55, P - 92.
(34) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI. 2010. Effects of
calcium superphosphate fertilizer application on cadmium in Komatsuna and soil.
Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Vol 56, P – 164.
(35) Swe Swe Mar, Masanori OKAZAKI, Takashi MOTOBAYASHI. 2011. Effects of
different phosphate fertilizers application on cadmium content in Komatsuna,
Spinach between Melanudand and Haplaquept. Japanese Society of Soil Science
and Pant Nutrition Vol 57, P – 160.
(36) Theingi Win, Swe Swe Mar, Theintdarli Soe, Thin Su Aye Ko and Swam Yee Htu,
Chit Oo Maung, Soe Soe Thein, 2014. An assessment on the availability, quality
and use of fertilizers by rice farmers in Thit Tat, Nay Pyi Taw, and Chiba,
Shwebo. Proceedings of the eighth agricultural research conference in
commemoration the 90 th anniversary of the yezin agricultural university, 23-24
Dec , 205-215.
(37) Cho Mar Htwe; Kyaw Ngwe; Kyaw Kyaw Win; Swe Swe Mar, 2016. Estimating
soil nutrient supplying capacity for rice (Oryza sativa L.) production.
Proceedings of the Ninth Agricultural Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural
University. 158-176
(38) Cho Mar Htwe; Kyaw Ngwe; Kyaw Kyaw Win; Swe Swe Mar, 2017. Assessment
of soil indigenous nutrient supply as a natural resource management in rice
production towards climate resilience agriculture. Proceedings of the Tenth
Agricultural Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural University, 159- 177.
(39) San San Myint, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, 2017. Evaluation of
Indigenous Soil Nutrient For Reaching Towards Optimum Productivity to
Enhance The Climate Smart Agriculture Proceeding of The Tenth
Agricultural Research Conference Yezin Agricultural University, 1-12
(40) San San Myint, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018. Evaluation of
Balance Macro and Micro Nutrient application in rice cultivation. Proceedings of
the eleventh Agricultural Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural University,
(41) Su Myat Yadana, Swe Swe Mar, Aye Aye Than, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018. Effect of
Nitrogen and Potassium on Yield and Yield components of Rice. Proceedings of
the eleventh Agricultural Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural University,
(42) San San Myint, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018. Evaluation of
Soil Nutrient Level in Nay Pyi Taw agricultural land The 9 th International Society
of Environmental and Rural Development. Yezin Agricultural University
(43) Khin Mu, Swe Swe Mar, Aung Naing Oo, Thanda Min, Kyaw Ngwe, 2018.
Assessment of farmers’ attitude on the use of farmyard manure and chemical
fertilizers for cotton production in Dry Zone, Proceeding of the National
Workshop on Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture FAO, Yezin Agricultural
(44) Naing Naing Moe, Swe Swe Mar, Augn Kyaw Myint, Kyaw Ngwe, Kyi Toe, 2018.
Spatial variability of soil chemical properties in selected Area of Myanmar, The
10 th International conference and the 2 nd Nontri International Conference on
Environmental and Rural Development committee 2020, 10-2, 20-26.
(45) Htay Htay Oo, Khin Mar Oo, Swe Swe Mar, Naing Naing Moe, 2018. Assessment
of Soil Chemical Properties and Yield of black gram using GIS in selected area of
Myamar. The 10th International conference and the 2nd Nontri International
Conference on Environmental and Rural Development committee 2019 (10-2) 14-
(46) Khin Mu, Swe Swe Mar, Aung Naing Oo, Kyaw Ngwe, 2019. Influence of
Different Rates of Potassium Fertilizer Application on Cotton Yield and Fibre
Properties of Three Cotton Varieties. Proceeding of the twelfth Agricultural
Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural University,
(47) San San Myint, Swe Swe Mar, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, 2019. Evaluation of
Balanced Major and Minor Nutrient Application in Rice Cultivation Proceeding of
The Twelfth Agricultural Research Conference, Yezin Agricultural University, 17-
(48) Aizaki Hideo, Furuya Jun, Sakurai Takeshi, and Swe Swe Mar, 2019. Farmers'
valuation of weather index insurance: An application of discrete choice
experiments. The 47th annual meeting of the Behaviometric Society
Osaka University.
(49) Akira Hirano, Swe Swe Mar, May Toe Aung Myint, Hla Moe Khaing, 2019. On
The Applicability Of Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for the Determination of
Monsoon Onset Date: Case Study In The Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. The 40 th
Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), ISBN: 978-1-7138-0326-3, 1(4)
(50) Khin Mu, Swe Swe Mar, Aung Naing Oo, Hla Than, Kyaw Ngwe, 2020 Effects
of potassium foliar fertilizer application on cotton yield, Yield components, fiber
quality, and nutrient use efficiency of three cotton varieties. Myanmar
Universities’ Research Conference, University of Yagon
(51) Tun Tun Hlaing, Swe Swe Mar, Chaw Su Lwin, Htay Htay Oo, Kyaw Ngwe ,
2021 Spatial Variability and Mapping of Soil Properties Using GIS-Based
Geostatistic in Myanmar. The 12th Internationnal Conference on Environmental
and Rural Development and 3rd Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural
Intensification and Nutrition (12th ICERD & 3rd SAIN Conference)
(52) Hla Moe Khaing, Kyaw Ngwe, Swe Swe Mar, Htay Htay Oo, 2021 Assessment
of Soil Properties using GIS Technologies in a Selected Area in Myanmar. The
12th Internationnal Conference on Environmental and Rural Development and
3rd Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural Intensification and Nutrition (12th
ICERD & 3rd SAIN Conference)
(53) Theingi win, Swe Swe Mar, Kyi Kyi Shwe, Win Yu Hlaing, Hsu Myat Thwin,
Kyaw Ngwe, Toru SAKAI, 2021. The Effect of the Application of Compost and
Chemical Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The 12th
Internationnal Conference on Environmental and Rural Development and 3rd
Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural Intensification and Nutrition (12th
ICERD & 3rd SAIN Conference)
(54) Kyi Kyi Shwe, Swe Swe Mar, Theingi Win, Win Yu Hlaing, Hsu Myat Thwin,
Kyaw Ngwe, Toru SAKAI, 2021 Effect of Chicken Manure and Chemical
Fertilizer Applications on Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The 12th
Internationnal Conference on Environmental and Rural Development and 3rd
Confererence on Sustainable Agircultural Intensification and Nutrition (12th
ICERD & 3rd SAIN Conference)
(55) Khin Nyein Chan, Soe Win, Swe Swe Mar, Nyo Mar Htwe, Nang Hseng Hom,
Aung Moe Myo Tint, Thant Lwin Oo, 2021 Screening of Drought Tolerant
Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines by using Morphological Characterization and
PEG-6000 The 3 rd national workshop on innovative pathways to climate resilient
livelihoods virturally organized by FAO and NCSA center, YAU.

Department of Soil and Water Science