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Journal of Agricultural Research (YAU-JAR)

Journal of Agricultural Research (2020), Volume. 7, Issue (2)

Performance of Farmers in Supply Chain of Sesame under Informal Contract Scheme in Aunglan Township, Magway Region

Khaing Khaing Oo, Aye Moe San* , Theingi Myint, Hla Than and Cho Cho San


Sesame is an economically important oilseed crop in Myanmar. Magway Region occupied the largest sesame sown area for many years. Aunglan Township was purposively selected due to wide sown area of top export sesame variety (Sahmon Nat) in Magway Region. Informal contract agreement among sesame farmers and buyers were practicing in Aunglan Township. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing the profit of sesame production of sample contract and non-contract farmers. Total 102 farmers from five villages were interviewed with a structured questionnaires during November and December, 2017. Descriptive statistics, cost and return analysis and regression analysis were applied with STATA 14 statistical software. The findings indicated that contract farmers used high dose of agro-inputs, thus, their sesame production cost per hectare was slightly higher than non-contract farmers. However, it did not affect their benefit as a result of better sesame yield as compared to non-contract farmers. Contract farmers received credit and market information from more sources in comparison with non-contract farmers. Sesame yield, hired labor and material input costs were the influencing factors for profit of monsoon sesame production of all sample farmers. Thus, enhancing labor saving techniques like farm mechanization and support to get credit for monsoon sesame production should be appreciated for the development of farmers.

Keywords: Sesame, Supply Chain, Contract, Magway Region, Myanmar

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