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Department of Agronomy

Undergraduate Courses

AGY-101: Introductory Agronomy

[Compulsory], [2 Credits], [3rd semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the agricultural knowledge, agriculture systems, cropping practices, manure and fertilizers, water relation to crop growth, weed and weed control, and agro-meteorology.

AGY-102: Fundamental Agronomy of Cereal Crops

[Selective], [2 Credits], [4th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the cereal crops and climatic environment and its influence on cereal crops. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know general information, the effect of climate on cereal crop, morphology of varieties and their characteristics, growth and development, yield and yield components, soil and water management, and cultivation of cereal crops.

AGY-103: General Agronomy of Field Crops

[Compulsory/Selective], [3 Credits], [5th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand on agronomy of field crops and industrial crops, their soil and climatic requirements. At the end of this course, the students will be able to know production and climatic conditions of pulses, origin, growth habit and cultural practices of pulses and oil seed crops, fibre crops, sugarcane, rubber, oil palm, coffee, and tea.

AGY-104: Integrated Farming System

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [6th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand on scope, importance and concept of Farming System, Basic terms, System’s approach, Direct, residual and cumulative effects, Farming system’s enterprises/components and their Maintenance, Site specific enterprise planning and implementation for developing farming system model, Resource(s) use efficiencies and optimization techniques Integrated-farming systems for different agro ecosystems (irrigated low and uplands, rain-fed and dry-land areas, hill regions, Islands), Resource recycling and flow of energy in different farming systems, Farming system and environment, Integrated Farming System for Climate Smart Agriculture.

AGY-105: Biometrics

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [6th semester]

Introduction, Notation, Distribution of Measurements: Graphical Methods and Numerical Methods, Measures of Dispersion, Elementary Probability Theory, The Normal Probability Distribution, Statistical Inference, A Statistical Test of a Hypothesis, Small Sampling Theory, Principles of Experimental Design, Completely Randomized design, Randomized Complete Block design, The Latin Square design, Factorial Experiment, Split Plot design, Mean Comparison: Least Significance Difference (LSD) test, Mean Comparison (HSD) test, Mean Comparison (DMRT) test, Analysis of Attribute Data, Correlation and Regression Analysis.

AGY-106: Field Crop Physiology

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [7th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the relationships between crops and environment and better management for improved crop yield. At the end of this course, the students are able to know the following aspects: growth and development, growth analysis, growth characteristics, crop water relations, physiological importance of water to plants, water potential and its components, transpiration, water use efficiency, incident solar radiation, crop responses in leaf area to plant density, critical and optimal LAI, canopy architecture, photosynthesis and respiration, canopy photosynthesis and crop production, source – sink relationship, harvest index, nutriophysiology.

AGY-107: Postharvest Technology of Field Crops

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [7th semester]

Definition and terms, and Importance of Postharvest Technology, Development of Postharvest System, Postharvest Handling System of Durable Crops, Pre-harvest factors consideration for postharvest quality, Quality factors and evaluation, Harvest and Field Handling Systems, Drying and Storage Systems, Grain Storage Ecosystem, Grain Grading System, Postharvest Physiological Disorders, Rice Processing: Parboiling, Postharvest Losses of Cereal Grains and Legumes, Advanced Postharvest Handling Practices for Climate Smart Agriculture.

AGY-108: Seed Technology

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [8th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the concepts of quality seed production of field crops and about different classes of seed and how to maintain the genetic purity during seed production. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know stages of seed multiplication, use of quality seeds of well adapted crops and varieties, maintenance of genetic purity during seed production, factors affecting seed quality, methods of seed drying, seed cleaning, seed treatment, types of seed packaging and seed storage and seed testing procedures for quality assessment.

AGY-109: Agrometeorology

[Compulsory / Selective], [3 Credits], [8th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the needs, scope and aims of agricultural meteorology, and climatic factors influencing on plant growth. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know differences between weather and climate, factors affecting weather and climate latitude, scales of climate, role of solar radiation, temperature, importance of climatic factors on crop plants, composition of atmosphere, evaporation, transpiration and evapotranspiration, management of weather information, climate change and its impact to crops/farmers and key characteristics of climate smart agriculture (CSA).

AGY-110: Crop Planning and Management (outreach campus)

[Compulsory], [3 Credits], [9th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the agro-ecological zone of Myanmar and cropping patterns in Myanmar. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know the agricultural regions of Myanmar, The points to be considered to classify agricultural regions in Myanmar, dryland farming management, modern concepts of tillage, agronomic measures of soil conservation, choice of cropping system, irrigated farming management, topographical conditions for irrigated farming, crop rotation, cropping system development, agroclimatic regions and zones, physical factors of farm, cropping patterns according to the agroclimatic region, traditional Myanmar farm work and farm labour saving devices, farm work simplification, recycling systems in integrated diversified farming.

AGY-111: Tropical Pasture Management (outreach campus)

[Compulsory], [3 Credits], [9th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the method of pasture establishment, management and utilization of sown pasture and fodder grass. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know importance of grasses and grassland agriculture, complementary benefits from forage, eco-physiology of tropical grass and legumes, Nitrogen economy and fixation by legumes, agronomic and physiological limitations of legumes, current classification of tropical pasture species, utilization of sown pasture and fodder grass, hay and silage making and pasture seed production.

AGY-112: Agroecology (outreach campus)

[Compulsory], [3 Credits], [9th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand agroecosystem concept including natural and agricultural ecosystem for sustainable development. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know the need for sustainable food production system, agroecosystem concepts, plants and environmental factors (plant nutrition and the plant in its interaction with the environment such as Light, Temperature, Wind, Soil and Water in the soil) and diversity and stability in sustainable agriculture.

AGY-131: Scientific Writing

[Compulsory], [1 Credits], [6th, 7th, 8th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the concept of statistics and scientific method, relationship of researcher and statistician, field experiments. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know how to write a research proposal, citations and references, use of library, components of an experimental write-up, interpretation of result data or writing results and discussion.

AGY-132: Presentation Skill

[Compulsory], [1 Credits], [6th, 7th, 8th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the concept of seminar and conference. At the end of this course, the student will be able to know characteristic of a talk in a seminar, construction of seminar or conference or spoken paper, evaluation of a seminar talk, preparation and presentation a seminar, rules for preparing 35 mm slide, practice and modify a talk, spoken academic English and preparation of a research paper poster presentation at professional conference.

AGY-133: Special Research Group

[Compulsory], [8 Credits], [6th, 7th, 8th semester]

This course will enable the students to understand the agricultural knowledge such as usage of manual farm tools and animal drawn farm implements; Land preparation of lowland rice (Ploughing and Harrowing); Viability tests of rice & selection of healthy seeds and seed computation; Calculation of seed multiplication; Soaking and incubation of rice seeds and raising rice seedlings; Morphology of rice plant & growth stages of rice plant; A close study of cereal seeds and their seedlings; Growing rice by direct seeding and transplanting methods; Estimation of development stage of rice plant by leaf counting method, plant age and leaf development; Estimation of rice yield from a sample plot; Use of leaf color chart (LCC) and SPAD meter for nitrogen management in rice; Estimation of rice yield from a sample plot, yield and yield components of rice; Harvesting and grain processing of rice; Study on green manure crops and compost making.

This course will enable the students to understand the identification of some common weeds in lowland rice; Herbicide spray preparation and calculation; Measurement of leaf area and LAI calculation; Estimation of irrigated area; Fertilizer calculations; Identification of different types of maize, pulses and oil seed crops, industrial crops, root and tuber crops, spices and tropical pasture species and plantation crops (coffee and rubber).

M.Agr.Sc Degree Courses


Agriculture and the development or civilization, the philosophy of research, the statistical methods, techniques of agricultural research, general problems in agricultural research.


Experimental designs, problem data, further practice in data collection, variance components estimation, analysis of data, sampling, non-parametric statistics, special problems of data handling.


Different types of agricultural researches, introduction to computer use, design of experiments, communication skills, development of research projects and proposals, speaking skill in formal English, presenting seminar.


This course embraces sampling of seeds, seed testing procedures for purity, moisture, germination, dormancy, trueness of variety, seed borne diseases, packing and storage of seeds, and insect problems in seed production and storage.

Practical: Testing of seed for purity, moisture, germination, dormancy, etc. in laboratory.


Potential of natural grasslands of tropical and sub-tropical regions; development of improved pastures and forages and their utilization in livestock production.

Practical: Development of pasture and raising of forage crops, visiting different farms.


World distribution of natural grasslands; productivity of natural grassland species, nutritive value, limitations; browse and fodder trees; management and improvement of tropical grasslands.


Genetic principles and basis for plant breeding procedures; genetic variability with emphasis on interrelationship of cytologic and genetic concepts. Breeding methods of tropical field crops. The science and technology of crop improvement.

Practical: Agronomic crop breeding will be done in the field as a regular breeding program of the department.

AGY-631 CEREAL CROPS   Credit-3

Chief characteristics of cereal crops, dormancy longevity, growth processes, winter resistance; detailed study of the important cereals including rice, corn, wheat, millets and sorghum, their origin and classification according to morphological, physiological, cytogenetical and archeological basis, varietal improvement, resistance to insect pests and diseases; adaptability; growth and development phase as affected by different environments' physiological studies, photo and thermal requirements; nutrition based on recent agronomic investigation; quality components, factors affecting them.

Practical; Identifications of varieties based on morphological studies, seed tests, quality tests, biometrical studies and their interpretation, and raising of crops.


Economically important oilseed plants, with emphasis on characteristics, production practices, physiological and biochemical development, processing and utilization Characteristics, morphological, genetical, ecological factors affecting growth; critical phases of growth; improvement in plant types for yield and disease resistance; recent researches on crop response to nutrition and other agronomic factors; quality components, factors affecting them, industrial uses.

Practical: Identification of varieties based on morphological studies; seed test, quality test; biometrical studies and their interpretation and raising of crops.

AGY-633 FIBRE CROPS  Credit-3

Characteristics, morphological, genetical, ecological factors affecting growth; critical phases of growth; improvement in plant types for yield and disease resistance; recent researches on crop response to nutrition and other agronomic factors; quality components factors affecting them; industrial uses.

Practical: Identification of varieties based on morphological studies; seed tests, quality tests, biometrical studies and their interpretation and raising of crops.

AGY-634 FOOD LEGUMES  Credit-3

Morphological and physiological description, ecological factors affecting growth with particular reference to flowering and podding; critical phases of growth, crop response to the use of bacterial cultures growth regulators, nutrition and other agronomic factors; components, factors affecting them.

Practical: Use of chemicals and bacterial cultures; identification of varieties and raising of crops.


Morphology and anatomy of sugarcane tobacco and rubber; role of plant nutrients and cultural practies; diagnostic techniques; principle diseases and pests affecting yield.

Practical: Raising of crops, identification grading, visiting of farms and factories.

AGY-636 ROOT CROPS  Credit-3

Economically important root crops, characteristics, morphological, genetical, ecological factors affecting growth; critical phases of growth, recent researches on crop response to nutrition and other agronomic factors.


Nutritional influences on differentiation, composition, growth and yield of field crops. Discussion on nutrition of specific field crops to consider physicochemical, biological, climatic, plant and edaphic factors. Nutritional requirements of different field crops and their practices under field condition.

Practical: Testing of nutritional requirements of different crops and interpretation of data obtained.


Yield potentials of agronomic crops as influenced by photosynthetic efficiencies. respiration, translocation, draught, and crops and weeds canopy architecture, biological principle involved in harvesting, grading, packaging, transportation and marketing field crops and their effects on quality maintenance, chemical and physical changes after harvest and their effect on quality of crops.

Practical: Identification of yield components, determination of yields and qualities correlation of physiological data and yield.


Carbon fixation by crop canopies; transport and partitioning, growth and development, cultural manipulation for higher yields; environmental manipulation for higher yields; inputs and efficient use of resources in crops productions; modeling of crop growth and yield.


Potential and actual productivity of tropical farming systems, study of energy flows by systems analysis can be used to define efficiency. Use of comparative efficiency of widely differing systems of agriculture.


Losses caused by weeds; characteristics and habit of weeds; reproduction, ecology, methods for preventing introduction and spread of weeds; principles and methods of weed control, mechanical, cultural, chemical and biological; herbicides; functions and properties; selective and non-selective herbicides, equipment used in applying herbicides; control of weeds in major field crops; special weed problems, nature of crop-weed competition. Seed dormancy, its significance in weed science, different types of seed dormancy.

Practical: Identification and collection of rainy season and winter season weeds, a study of crop weed association in rainy and winter season, succession of weeds, preparation and spray of herbicides in fields, study on mortality and nature of mortality of weeds.


Problems and extent, role of agronomy in soil conservation; cropping system; effect of different crops on soil erosion; strip cropping; classification of crops on the basis of erosion-permitting characteristics, mixed cropping, contour ley cultivation; terracing, crop rotations for problem areas; ley farming, grasses and legumes for areas of high and lower in fall, dry-land farming, moisture conservation, implements used in soil conservation; watershed and its concepts and management.

Practical: Use of implements in soil conservation, measurement of grasses, legumes and different cropping system, strips.


Water, its role in physiology of field crops, physical condition of moisture in soil, field crops response to soil moisture, availability of water to crops, effects of water deficiency on physiological processes; water in relation to temperature injury, drought tolerance of crops, crop response to excess water; interrelationship of crop responses for soil moisture regimes; water efficiency in relation to soil fertility; water use efficiency; crop, soil climate as basis for predicting water needs; effect of salinity on internal water deficit of the crop; water management in different cropping systems.

Practical: Working with equipment used in water management research, water requirement, water use efficiency, .interpretation of experimental data.


Critical review of selected topics in specific agronomic areas, special topics for classroom, library, laboratory or field studies of agronomic crops.

AGY-681 SEMINAR  Credit-1

Required by all post-graduate students in agronomy to discuss current literature and agronomic development (Compulsory credit).

AGY-691 Research paper  (international/domestic)-  Credit-1


Ph.D. Degree Courses

AGY-711 AGROECOLOGY  3 credits

This course will introduce students to ecological concepts applied to agricultural systems and to sustainable agricultural production.It will examine how multiple factors (biological, chemical, physical, and cultural) can affect integrated crop/livestock systems and gain a more in depth understanding of inputs and outputs in agricultural systems and their relation to primary productivity, nutrient cycling, energy flows, and species interactions on farms. The issues associated with the increased and shifting needs for food production and on the other the need for conservation and management of natural resources. Agro-ecology is a key aspect of sustainable intensification.


The course introduces the advanced basic physiological processes affecting plant growth, development and productivity. The development and importance of soil water deficit along with the mechanisms of adaptation to water deficit in plants will be discussed. The mechanisms of dry matter production, degradation and release of energy will be discussed, emphasizing both the plant and environmental factors influencing these processes. The importance of plant nutrients metabolism with particular emphasis on nitrogen on plant productivity and the fixation of the atmospheric nitrogen as an important source of N to plants will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on plant productivity resulting from growth and development as influenced by the various physiological processes of crops with their environment, with special emphasis on the physiological basis for responses to biotic and abiotic stress.

AGY-713 CROP NUTRITION  3 credits

Nutritional influences on differentiation, composition, growth and yield of field crops, Discussion on nutrition of specific field crops to consider physicochemical, biological, climatic, plant and edaphic factors. Nutritional requirements of different field crops and their practices under field condition.


Precision agriculture is a philosophy of agricultural management that has been enabled by modern technology. To understand the acquisition and analysis of geographically referenced data for the management of crop production systems. Topics include: mapping, map projections, implementation of global positioning systems, data formats, geographic information systems, remote sensing grid sampling, soil fertility and physical properties, yield monitoring, variable-rate application, crop modeling and economics.

AGY-715 CROP MODELING  3 credits

Fundamental Guides in Constructing Crop Models, Evaluation of Model to Meet Objectives, Applications of Crops Model, Status of Crop Modeling, Phenology – Temperature, Phenology -Temperature and Photoperiod, Phenology –Vernalization, Crop Leaf Area, Dry Matter Production, Dry Matter Distribution and Yield Formation, A Model for Potential Production, Soil Water, Soil Water Balance, Plant Responses to Soil Water Deficit and Excess, A Model for Water-limited Conditions, Plant Nitrogen Budget, Soil Nitrogen Balance, A Model for Nitrogen-limited Conditions.


All aspects of seed development, maturation, deterioration, dormancy, germination and vigor: Seed morphology & composition; Hormones in developing seeds – Seed maturation; Seed germination; Metabolism of proteins during germination; Metabolism of carbohydrates during germination; Metabolism of lipids during germination; Hormones regulating seed germination; Seed dormancy – types, significance, mechanism, endogenous and exogenous factors regulating dormancy, Genetic control of dormancy, Seed viability and longevity, Seed deterioration; Concepts of seed deterioration; Symptoms of seed deterioration; Lipid peroxidation.


Drying systems, aeration, Milling, lipid peroxidation, controlled and modified atmosphere packaging, Grain Post-production Systems, Grain and Seed Quality, Maintaining Good Grain Quality, Postharvest Management and Processing Technology, Grain Moisture Content Effects and Management, Grain Protection in Postharvest Systems, Grain Storage Warehouse Control Technology, Storage of Grains, Seeds and Their By-products.


Modified and Controlled Atmosphere Packaging Technology and Applications, Gas Exchange Modeling, Effects on Nutritional Quality, Effects on Flavor, Effects on Physiological Disorders, Effects on Decay, Microbial Safety of Modified Atmosphere Packaged Fresh-Cut Produce, Effects on Insects, Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh-Cut Produce, Economic Benefits of Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Biochemical and Molecular Aspects of Modified and Controlled Atmospheres.

Several Open Books

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