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Department of Capacity Building

The Department of Capacity Building afford to upgrade and/or modify the existing postgraduate courses/programs of YAU to make them robust and in line with latest being offered across the globe in the context of Myanmar agriculture and implementation of the curriculum will bridge the technology gap that exists in critical areas and help in the use of the new techniques of molecular biology specially molecular marker assisted plant breeding to develop varieties with inbuilt resistance to various diseases and insect pests. In addition, the program in Postharvest technology will go a long way in not only reducing postharvest losses but also processing and value addition for higher income to farmers and promoting exports of the processed products.

• To organize need based short term training courses for up gradation of faculty, teachers and extension personnel
• To develop online library and serve as repository of related literature
• To support the research programs of the other Divisions

M.Sc and PhD Degree Programs
(1) Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
(2) Food Engineering & Technology
(3) Agricultural Extension
(4) Climate Change and Sustainability

Non-degree Course
 Soil Testing
 Morphological and molecular diagnosis of major diseases, insects and nematode pets of crops
 Entrepreneurship development in rural areas
 Agricultural extension specialists (training to agricultural graduates on various crop production, protection, water management and postharvest technologies for dissemination to farmers)
 Training Programs for Faculty, Technical Personnel and Farmer
 Quality seed production technology
 Molecular technique for crop improvement
 Postharvest management of horticultural produce for fresh marketing
 Processing and value addition of cereal and pulses
 Empowerment of Rural Youth through participatory extension methodology
 Management Development for Extension Professionals
 Gender Issues and Empowerment in Agriculture

Current Activities
• Research on screening of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance rice lines were conducted.
• Giving short term training to the teaching staff.
• Serves as resource person for teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate course from Department of Plant Breeding, Physiology and Ecology and Department of New Genetics.

Dr. Nyo Mar Htwe


Head of Department

PhD (Plant Breeding)

Hydroponic Vegetable Farm

Contact Us


P.O.Box 150501, Yezin,

Zayarthiri Township,

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.


Fax:      +95 67 341 6517

Phone: +95 67 341 6513



Office: +95 67 341 6688

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