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Department of Entomology and Zoology

Department Research

  1. Oviposition behavior and preference on different rice varieties by brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Postgraduate Students, 2019-2020

  2. Bioassay on the effect of  diatomaceous earth on fall armyworms, Spodoptera frugipedra Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Daw Nway Oo Kyalar, Daw Taw Win Nwe, 2019-2020

  3. Efficacy of different biological, botanical, and chemical insecticides against fall armyworm (FAW) on maize in Lewe Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, U Myo Than Tun, 2020

  4. Intercropping maize with legumes for management of fall armyworm (FAW) on maize in Lewe Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, U Myo Than Tun, 2020

  5. Field evaluation of the effect of diatomaceous earth on fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugipedra  Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Daw Nway Oo Kyalar, Daw Taw Win Nwe, 2020-2021

  6. Study on the effect of botanical insecticides on fall armyworm, (Spodoptera frugiperda  (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Postgraduate Students, 2020-2021

  7. Mass rearing of Trichogramma egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to control lepidopterous pests attacking crops such as rice, maize and vegetables, Dr. Yee May Htet, Daw Eaint Thet Htar Oo, Daw Aye Thinzar Aung, Daw Yu Ya May Myat Noe Khin, Daw Khin Ngu War Thant, 2021-2022

  8. Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of sunflower varieties, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Daw Aye Thinzar Aung, 2022-2023

  9. Study on the present of pesticides residue in drinking water at YAU campus, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Daw Thet Zin Hnin Wai, 2022-2023

Postgraduate Research

  1. Effect of Different Food Resources on Feeding Behavior and Physiological Factors of Parasitoid Wasps on Rice and Vegetable Pests, Ma Yee May Htet, Dr. Takatoshi Ueno, 2019

  2. Biology and Predation Efficiency of Acarophagous Ladybird Beetle, Stethorus punctillum  Weise (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Spider Mite, Tetranychus truncatus Ehara (Acari: Tetranychidae) under Different Temperature Regimes, Mg Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Win, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, 2021

  3. Effect of Weeding Regimes on Bean Stem Fly Ophiomyia phaseoli  Tryon (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Green Gram, Ma Khin Aye Pwint Khaing, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Htay Htay Oo, Dr. Yee May Htet, 2021

  4. Spatial Distribution and Diversity of Major Insect Pests and Their Arthropod Natural Enemies Associated with Monsoon Rice Ecosystem in Nay Pyi Taw, Ma Nwe Ni Win, Dr.Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr.Khin Mi Mi, Dr.Kyaw Kyaw Win, 2021

  5. Natural Incidence of Rice Stem Borers (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae and Noctuidae) and Their Natural Enemies on Different Rice Varieties in Nay Pyi Taw, Mg Phone Kyaw Myint, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Htay Htay Oo, Dr. Yee May Htet, 2021

  6. Diversities of endosymbiont Wolbachia and parasitoids affect species assemblages under climate change: Implications for biological control, Daw Phyu Phyu San, Dr. Midori Tuda, 2022

  7. Biology and Predation Rate of Ladybird Beetles, Harmonia Axyridis (Pallas) and Coccinella Transversalls (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae), Ma Wa Mon Hla, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr.Thi Tar Oo, Dr. Swe Swe Mar, 2019

  8. Species Exploration of Agromyzid Leafminers in Intensive Cultivated Area of Nay Pyi Taw, Mg Htein Lynn, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Win, Dr. Htar Htar Naing, 2019

  9. Life Cycle, Longevity and Fecundity of the Spider Mites’ Predator, Stethorus punctillum Weise (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under Different Temperatures, Ma May Thandar Kyaw, U Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Ah Nge Htwe, Dr. Aung Zaw Htwe, 2019

  10. Effect of Sowing Dates and Varieties on the Incidence of Insect Pests on Mungbean, Ma Ami Aung, U Myo Than Tun, Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Win, U Zaw Linn Myo Htun, 2019

  11. Studies on defensive response of chickpea genotypes against gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), Ma Su Htet San, Dr. Sagar D, 2020

  12. Quantitative Analysis of Nutritional Trophic Niche of Organisms in Organic Paddy Fields, Ma Aint Thet Htar Oo, Dr. Taro ADATI, 2021

  13. Effect of Temperature on the Biology of Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Cowpea, Ma Aye Thinzar Aung, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Myat Lin, Daw Nwaye Ei Khing Phyu, 2021

  14. Effect of Biopesticides against Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cabbage, Ma Su Su Hlaing, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Swe Swe Mar, Daw Aint Thet Htar Oo, 2021

  15. Relative Susceptibility of Different Maize Varieties to Maize Weevil Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Storage Condition, Ma Hay Mar Soe, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Myo Zaw, 2021

  16. Influence of Two Shade Types on Natural Incidence of Coffee White Stem Borer, Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Pyin Oo Lwin and Naungkhio, Mg Aung Ko Lwin, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Saw Hto Lwe Htoo, Daw Nwaye Ei Khing Phyu, 2021

  17. Effect of Sowing Date and Intercropping on Bean Stem Fly Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Green Gram at Sinku Township, Mandalay Region, Mg Aung Zaw, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr.Kyaw Kyaw Win, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, 2021

  18. Effect of Temperature on Life History Parameters of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Staႚl (Homoptera: Delphacidae), Ma May Thu Htet, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr.Kyi Moe, 2021

  19. Relationship Between Insect Pests and Natural Enemies with Farmers’ Practices in Monsoon Rice Ecosystem of Kyee Inn Village, Nay Pyi Taw, Ma Wai Zin Phyu, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Htay Htay Oo, Daw Aint Thet Htar Oo, 2021

  20. Determination of Joint Actions, Effective Ratios and Doses of Selected Insecticide Mixtures Against Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Staႚl (Homoptera: Delphacidae), Ma Wint Maw Hun, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Htay Htay Oo, 2021

  21. Effect Of  Plant  Derivatives Against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on Stored Green Gram, Ma Khin Swe Lae, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Kyaw Ngwe, Dr. Yee May Htet, 2022

  22. Efficacy of Biopesticides against Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cauliflower, Ma Yu Ya May Myat Noe Khin, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Kyaw Ngwe, Dr. Yee May Htet, 2022

  23. Efficacy of Selected Insecticides against Fall Armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda   (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Maize, Ma Ei Thinzar Kyaw, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr.Kyaw Kyaw Win, 2022

  24. Evaluation of Insecticide Resistance of Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cabbage, Ma Zin Mar Than, Dr.Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Saw Hto Lwe Htoo, 2022

  25. Field Efficacy of Selected Insecticide Mixtures on Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Staႚl) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in Different Rice Growing Seasons, Mg Myo Min Swe, Dr.Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Thu Zar, 2022

  26. Assessment of Insecticide Resistance of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Staႚl (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on Rice from Two Different Regions, Ma Thita Myint, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Aye Aye Khaing, 2022

  27. Effect of Biopesticides against Diamonback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cabbage at Lewe and Tatkon Townships in Nay Pyi Taw, Ma Eaint Thet Hmue Kyaw, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Saw Hto Lwe Htoo, 2022

  28. Effect of Intercropping Soybean, Mungbean, Cowpea and Lablab bean with Maize on Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Infestation, Ma Khin Toe Hlaing, Dr. Zaw Linn Myo Htun, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, Dr. Kyi Moe, 2022

  29. Efficacy of Biopesticides for Management of Leafminer, Liriomyza species (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on Tomato under Field Conditions, Ma Su Nandar Win, Dr. Yee May Htet, Dr. Khin Mi Mi, 2022

  30. Method Development and Validation for Determination of Indoxacarb using LC-ESI-MS/MS and its Dissipation Kinetics in Mungbean, Ma Khin Sandar Myint, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, 2022

  31. Determination and Analysis of Residue Dissipation on Cauliflower applied for Diamonback Moth Infestation, Ma Thet Zin Hnin Wai, Dr.Moe Hnin Phyu, Dr. Yee May Htet, Dr. Kyi Moe, 2022

Undergraduate Research

  1. Existence of Rice Stem Borers on Different Rice Varieties, I, Dr. Htar Htar Naing, 2019

  2. Species Composition of Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera:Cicindelidae) in Myanmar, II, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, 2019

  3. Composition and Distribution of  Dragonflies in Yezin Area, III, U Myo Than Tun, 2019

  4. Species  Exploration of  Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in Myanmar, I, Dr. Moe Hnin Phyu, 2021

  5. Composition and Abundance of Dragonflies during Winter and Monsoon Seasons in Yezin Area, II, Dr. Yee May Hteet, 2021

  6. Predation  Efficiency  of  Wolf  Spider,  Pardosa pseudoannulata  (Boesenberg & Strand) (Araneae: Lycosidae) against Brown Planthopper,  Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera:Delphacidae), III, U Zaw Linn Myo Htun, 2021

  7. Efficacy of Some Biopesticides against Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Leucinodes orbonalis, (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Brinjal, Agricultural Entomology Specialization group, Daw Aint Thet Htar Oo, Daw Aye Thinzar Aung, Daw Khin Ngu War Thant, 2022

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