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Department of Food Science and Technology

Undergraduate Courses

FST – 102: Fundamentals of Food Science and Technology

[Compulsory/ Selective], [2 Credits], [3rd Semester]

This course will enable to understand Principles of Food Science and Technology, definition of Food Science, Food processing technology, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biochemical nature of foods, Postharvest Managements, Food and Nutrition, Food Constituents (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats or lipids, Vitamins and Minerals), Food hygiene and Human Health.

FST – 101: Principle of Food Processing Technology

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [5th Semester]

This course will enable to get basic knowledge on the principles of food processing and preservation, Unit Operation in Food processing, Heat preservation and Processing, Cold preservation and Processing, Food Dehydration, Irradiation, Microwave heating and Canning, extrusion, Pickling, Fermentation, roasting, drying and frying etc., traditional and modern processing technology, Low-temperature processing.

FST – 103: Processing of Agricultural Crops and Value-Added Products

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [6thSemester]

Definition of Value-added products (VAP), plants and animal-based products

Importance of VAP in socioeconomics, Principles of food processing, Food processing operation, Traditional processing technology for VAP, Novel processing technology for VAP, Minimal processing, Beverages, Alcoholic & Lactic Acid fermentation, Traditional food fermentation, Pickled products, Dried and dehydrated products.

FST – 104: Milling and Processing of cereals, pulses and oilseeds (edible oil)

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [6th Semester]

This course will enable to understand Milling of paddy, useful terminology, objective of rice milling, Factors affecting milling quality, hulling of paddy, Rice huller, husk separation, paddy separation, Composition of rice and its milling products, Compartment type, paddy separator, Whitening and polishing for cereals and pulses, Pulse milling, grain structure, Unit operation in pulse, De -husking of pulses, Splitting of pulses Basic processing steps oil extraction, Extraction methods (mechanical extraction, wedge press, hydraulic press, screw press).

FST- 112: Fundamentals in Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [7th Semester]

This course will provide the basics concept in Food Chemistry; history of food chemistry, to assess the role of the chemical composition of a food regarding food quality and nutritional value, water, structure of fat, fatty acids, triglycerides, carbohydrates, proteins, nutrition, monosaccharides, disaccharides, reducing sugars, some properties of sugar, dietary fibre, enzymatic reactions, vitamins, minerals, flavours, contaminants, Maillard reaction, solubility and viscosity enzymes, fat degradation/oxidation including practical work in the lab .

Food Microbiology: types of microbes, taxonomy, morphology, physiology of microorganisms, viruses, prions (potentially parasites), most important representatives, Factors Affecting Microbial Growth, Pathogenic microorganisms and spoilage microorganisms, foodborne illnesses, Growth factors: temperature, oxygen, water activity, pH value, redox potential, nutrients, fundamental in microbiological analysis, cultivation, identification, Controlling microbes in food and food safety. Factors influencing the growth of desired/unwanted microorganisms/ parasites, inhibition/elimination in the production and storage of foodstuffs.

FST – 106: Food Safety and Food Quality Management

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [7th Semester]

This course will enable to understand by the students, awareness by the consumers on Food Safety, control system in food processing, Food Hygiene, Health and food safety, Risks and Hazards, HACCP as a method, Food Inspection,Sanitization and Safety, Food Quality Factors, Food deterioration and its control, Good manufacturing practices, Good hygienic practice, Rules for food safety, Labels, Instructions and Advertisements, Food Safety Standards, Food Safety Risk Monitoring and Assessment, Sensory evaluation, Food Law, Regulation and food policy, Food Safety Programs, Production and Trade Process Control.

FST – 107: Food Preservation and Additives

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [8th Semester]

Definition of food preservation, integrated introduction to fruit, vegetable, cereal ,dairy, seafood and meat Science, Overview of principles of food processing, preservation techniques such as refrigeration, freezing, and freeze drying; vacuum drying. Good manufacturing practices, importance of food preservation, Meat and dairy product preservation, modern food preservation technology, use of food additives, food coloring, food preservative chemicals, Acidity regular.

FST – 108: Laboratory Techniques in Food analysis

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [8th Semester]

Preparation of Sample, Sampling procedure for quantitative analysis, Safety aspects of Laboratory, Food Laboratory design, Determination of moisture, calibration and standardization of instruments, Overall Evaluation, Quality assessment by the use of Chromatographic techniques: GC, HPLC, browning intensity of food product.

FST – 109: Product Development and Food Quality Management

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [9th Semester]

Fundamentals of Food product development, Types of food ingredients and additives, Processes for new product development, nanotechnology in food processing, encapsulation food ingredients, Non thermal process in preservation of food, Blanching processes, functional food, food flavor, product design and product development, Carcinogenic foods, Sanitization and Safety, Food Quality & Food Ingredients and Process.

FST – 110: Processing of Plantation Crops and Spices

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [9th Semester]

Tea leaves: Study on production systems, harvesting, fermentation, drying, roasting processing techniques for tea and spices, processes flow sheet for the manufacture of tea leaves, manufacturing process black tea, quality evaluation and grading, Major spices: Pepper, garlic, coriander, ginger, chili and turmeric, enzymatic synthesis of flavour, fumigation and irradiation of spices.

FST – 105: Food Handling Practices, Packaging, Transportation,

Storage and Labeling

[Compulsory/ Selective], [3 Credits], [9th Semester]

This course will enable to get basic knowledge on Handling practices of Postharvest Crops management and Produce, Packaging of fruits and vegetables; packing house operations; characteristics of food industry, product value chain from the farm gate to Food plate, Processing, Storage and transport of food, storage and marketing, Product Design in value chain, Commercial Transport Services, Quality Control, Codex norms for export of perishables, Declaration, marketing and advertising of food, packaging for food safety and innovation.

M.Agr.Sc Degree Courses

FST – 611 Principles of Food Processing Technology and Product Development Credits 3 (2+1)

This course will enable to get knowledge on the principles of food processing and preservation, unit operation in food processing, heat preservation and processing, cold preservation and processing, food dehydration, irradiation, microwave heating and canning, extrusion, pickling, fermentation, roasting, drying and frying etc., traditional and modern processing technology. Definition of product development, product development processes, ways for product development, design for new product development, Case studies: product development in the food system.

Practical: Preparation of processed products (sauce, jam, pickle, juice), confectionary and bakery products, Determination of Drying, Fermented food products, Baking, Frying and Roasting

FST – 612 Postharvest Managements of Agricultural Crops  Credits 3 (2+1)

Importance and scope of post-harvest management of agronomical and horticultural crops, their morphology and structure, composition of fruits and vegetables; pre-harvest crop management practices, maturity indices of horticultural crops, harvesting and handling of important fruits, postharvest physiological and biochemical changes, ripening processes of climacteric and non-climacteric fruit, role of ethylene in postharvest technology, storage systems of refrigerated atmosphere, controlled atmosphere (CA), modified atmosphere (MA), hypobaric system, composition and nutritional qualities, enhancing postharvest shelf life and quality in horticultural commodities.

FST- 613 Food Safety and Quality Food Management (I)  Credits 3

This course will offer to understand by the students and awareness by the consumers on food safety practices and control system in food processing, food hygiene, health and food safety, risks and hazards, HACCP as a method, sanitization and safety, microbial spoilage, lipid oxidation, quality control and assessment, food safety control, food quality factors, food deterioration and its control, good manufacturing practices (GMP), Guide to good practice for food safety, rules for food safety, labels, instructions and advertisements, food safety standards, food safety risk monitoring and assessment, sensory evaluation.

Practical: Evaluation of the impact of selected steps in the food processing technology of an existing food products with regard to food safety and food quality management, Proximate analysis of food, estimation of nutritional factors and hazard analysis

FST- 621 Food Handling Practices, Packaging, Transportation, Storage and Labelling  Credits 3

This course will enable to get knowledge on handling practices of postharvest crops management and produce, product value chain from the farm gate to food plate, processing types, types of packaging materials, transportation, labelling and logistics for handling practices, storage, product design in value chain, functions of packaging, packaging materials and methods, food packaging systems.

FST – 622 Fundamental of Food Science and Technology  Credits 3

This course will enable to understand principles of food science and technology, definition of Food Science, food processing technology, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biochemical nature of foods, postharvest managements, food and nutrition, food constituents (carbohydrates, proteins, fats or lipids, vitamins and minerals), food hygiene and human health, enzymatic browning, consequences of enzymatic browning, factors influencing enzymatic browning, control and prevention of enzymatic browning, substrates and browning enzymes, phenolic substrates, Denaturation or inhibition of polyphenol oxidase, mechanism of enzymatic browning, reactions with quinones, physical-chemical conditions and presence of natural inhibitors, modification or removal of oxidation substrates.

FST – 623 Laboratory Techniques in Food Analysis   Credits 3 (2+1)

The conventional analysis of raw and processed food products of all commodity, technologies used for routine quality control, safety aspects of lab, sampling procedure for quantitative and qualitative analysis, determination of moisture, calibration and standardization of instruments, textural properties of fresh and processed foods, color analysis, food composition analysis, TSS, Specific gravity, pH and acidity, total sugar, reducing sugar non-reducing sugar, determination of ethanol or alcohol, biochemical components in cereals, pulses and oilseeds, quantitative estimation of ethylene evolution rate and respiration rate by various crops using gas chromatograph (GC), sensory analysis techniques.

Practical: Analysis on moisture, fat, pH, Identification and determination of organic acids, Analysis of dietary fiber /glucose by enzymatic method; Estimation of tannin/phytic acid


FST -681 SEMINAR  Credit-l

FST -691 Research paper (international/domestic) Credit-1

FST -699 MASTER'S RESEARCH   Credit-16

Ph.D. Degree Courses

ABT -701 Advanced molecular biology in crop improvement  3 credits

This course is intended to orient the students to understand the uses of different molecular techniques for the crop improvement practices. How can molecular biology help for crop genetic improvement programs? And in detailed understanding of Genome wide association study (GWAS), Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) and Marker assisted breeding (MAB) etc.

ABT-702 Advanced molecular marker technology and mapping   2+1 credits

To develop scientific knowledge in the processes of marker development and to understand the uses of data base system for different types of mapping and map-based cloning for varietal improvement processes. Introduction to different types of molecular marker systems. To develop markers through data base search.To develop markers through library construction. Selection of markers which are already available on line to meet our won objectives. Analysis through data base search such as BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), Application of Primer 3 or Argos program for the development of novel primer pairs. The protocol for some genetic analysis programs such as Phylip program package, Structure, Power Core, Tassel stand alone etc.

ABT-703 Genetic manipulation level-II       3 credits

This course is intended to orient the students to understand the ways and means of genome editing technology and its applications. It includes clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and more about it.

ABT-704 Bioinformatics    2+1 credits

This course is intended to orient the student to understand the scientific discipline that encompasses all aspects of biological information acquisition, storage, analysis, and dissemination of biological data, most often DNA and amino acid sequences. It will also guide the application of tools of computation and analysis to the capture and interpretation of biological data.

ABT-705 Bioindustry    3 credits

This course is intended to orient the student to understand other advanced life science methodologies in the creation or alteration of life forms or processes. Bioindustry encompasses various technologies that strive towards increased resource efficiency and the ability to draw value from biomass. Low carbon energy, biomass refining, recycling, waste utilization and sustainable chemicals are all possible products of the bioindustry. As the potential of bioindustry is so massive, the interest towards its solutions spans across industries that have not traditionally used biotechnology solutions.

Several Open Books

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Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.


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